Description: Simplified PICKIT2
Welcome to a short tutorial on how to design and construct this simplified PICKIT2 programmer with ZIF socket (PIC programmer) which replaces the ready-made PICKIT2 from microchip.
I decided to make this version because it is way cheaper than buying the original PicKit2 and because Microchip, the manufacturers of PIC micro-controllers and the PicKit2 programmer, provides schematics and software, making it really easy for us to design our own programmers, definitely an advantage of using PICs.
My design is comprised of a ZIF socket (zero insertion force) that makes it easy for a programmer to program a micro-controller without destroying the pins.
Before we dive into the construction process, lets make sure that the following tools and materials are available at our disposal. That of course will be our first step.
Tools Required:
- A personal computer
- Soldering Iron with some solder locally called lead.
- Wire Snips
- Sets of Pliers
- PCB etching solution
- PCB copper board
- A PIC serial port programmer.
Components/Materials required
-1 x 0.47uF 16v electrolytic capacitor.
-2 x 100nF ceramic capacitor.
-2 x 22pF ceramic capacitor.
-1 x 47uF 16v electrolytic capacitor.
-1 x 100uF 16v electrolytic capacitor.
-2 x 1N4148 diode.
-1 x PIC18F2550.
-1 x 28 pin thin IC socket.
-1 x 40 pin ZIF socket.
-1 x 680uH inductor, resistor-like package.
-3 x 3mm LEDs (green, red and blue).
-3 x BC547 transistors.
-2 x BD140 transistors.
-1 x BC557 transistor.
-1 x 20MHz oscilator crystal.
-5 x 330 ohm resistor.
-1x 22K ohm resistor.
-5 x 4K7 ohm resistor.
-1 x 470 ohm resistor.
-1 x 1N5917B diode.
-1 x BAT42 diode.
-3 x 100 ohm resistor.
-1 x 1k resistor.
-1 x 2k7 resistor.
-3 x 10k resistor.
-1 x 100k resistor.
-1 x 2-pin tactile switch (button).
-1 x CONN-SIL5 header.
-1 x pin strip (only 6 needed).
Click here to download the PDF version of the complete Bill of materials exported from proteus design suite.
Schematics and PCB Design
The circuit diagram was printed out from proteus after simulation. Note that this clone works 100% as you can see from the following circuit how i simulated it. Once its simulates on your PC without errors, kudos to yourself because you got an 80% guarantee that your system is gonna work after realization. You can download the circuit diagram here.
Step 3-
The Printed Circuit Board (PCB) realization
If you are new in constructing PCB boards, you can follow my well explained step by step tutorial here. Below are the top and bottom views of the simplified pickit2 programmer with zif socket and also the various links to download the project files.
The Top Silk
The Bottom Copper
Step 4-
Programming the 18F2550
To be able to send the hex file from your computer to the PIC micro-controller (18F2550 in our case here) you will need to:
1) Download and install winPIC-800 in your computer.This is the software that will enable you to burn the operating system HEX file in the PIC18F2550 micro-controller.
2) After the installation, the first thing you will need to do is configure WinPIC to work with our new PIC Programmer.
3) To do this, navigate to “Setting” menu and select “Hardware setting”.
4) The following window will be shown and the highlighted areas showing you exactly which options are to be selected.
Please, you can follow this article on how to build and program using this simple serial port PIC programmer.
You can download the PICKIT2 firmware here as well as the setup for PICKIT-2 interface and the files for the 3D printed case of our PICKIT-2 from here.
Step 1
Connect your serial programmer circuit to the com port of your PC.
Step 2
Open winPIC and click on hardware test button in the tool bar, if hardware test is OK then click on the right side button ‘detect device’ as soon as your device is detected.
Step 3
Now you are all set to open your hex file and load in to the micro-controller.
Step 4
To start programming press the “Program all Button” in the tool bar.
Step 5
Wait for a while for the programming to complete.
Step 6
When the programming is going on, the led must be glowing to ensure that its programming.
Thanks for reading today’s post.
Now that you’ve followed all the steps to the last, why not go ahead and share.
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Hope my guide helps you design and construct this low cost effective programmer yourself.
Remember, questions and suggestions are welcome in the comments area below. Have a wonderful day and please, don’t forget to share.
The mikro c code didn’t open on my own mikro,
If you can send the source code to my email.thank
Hello Idris ishola,
Did you try opening the MikroC code again?